HACCM invites you to join the 3rd Annual Opa Volta 5K Walkathon!
Event details:
Date: Saturday August 26th, 2023
Time: Check-in at 8am; Walk begins at 8:30am
Location: 3131 NE Glisan Street (Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral parking lot). This is where registration will take place, and where the walkathon route starts and finishes.
Entry: $25.00 per person | $20.00 for Friends of HACCM members and for group entry | Under 12: free
Can’t attend the walk-a-thon, but want to support the event? Here are 3 ways you can help:
Presenting Sponsors:
Community Sponsors:
Annie & Dennis McGowan
Elizabeth Franklin
Gresham Ford
The Podcast Team
Hospitality Sponsors:
Additional walkathon information/FAQ:
What is the walkathon route?
The route is a 5 kilometer (just over 3 mile) walk through the Laurelhurst neighborhood Click here to see the route!
What is peer fundraising?
Peer fundraising is a great way to spread awareness for HACCM’s mission and to help us reach our fundraising goal! You do not have to register as a walker to participate in peer fundraising. Simply fill out this form, and we will create a fundraising page for you. Then, share the link with your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and anyone else! You will have a unique link that these people can donate through, and all of the proceeds will go directly to support HACCM.
For additional details about peer fundraising, please contact HACCM.
What is group entry?
Groups consist of any team made up of 5 or more individuals. You can register with your sports team, your Greek dance group, your walking club, your cousins, etc. Each team will need a team leader and a team name to start. The team leader will fill out this form to register a team. Then, when each individual registers, make sure to enter your team name to get the discounted registration price. All teams who participate in the peer fundraising opportunity will compete against each other: the team who collects the most pledges will get a pizza party!
For additional details about group entry, please contact HACCM.
Where can I find additional information about sponsorships?
Click here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
What should I expect after the walkathon?
- Stop by the AHEPA Car Show, which also takes place in the Holy Trinity Parking Lot. Food will be available from onsite vendors!
- Make sure to stop by the museum and cultural center (2nd floor of the Father Elias Stephanopoulos Center, the building adjacent to the paring lot), to see our latest exhibit, “Life” Through the Eyes of Artist Bill Papas. Admission to the museum is free.