HACCM’s oral history collection highlights the diversity of experiences within the Hellenic-American population of the Pacific Northwest. The collection includes interviews conducted since the organization’s founding in 2007, as well as interviews conducted by other groups including AHEPA, the Delphi Club of Portland, and the Old Town History Project which are now preserved as a part of the HACCM collection. Interviews are conducted with individuals, as well as some group interviews. If you would like to listen or view interviews in this collection, please contact HACCM. And if you would like to participate in an interview, click on the link below (“Tell us your story”) to schedule an interview!

Amalia Gianopoulos with her family in Greece before immigrating to US to live with her future husband. HACCM Oral History Archive

Mary Maletis family immigrated from their Limnes village in Greece to USA and settled in Portland in the early 1900’s. HACCM Oral History Archive