George Topalidis Webinar
December 19, 5:00pm Pacific

Hellenic-American Cultural Center & Museum welcomed George Topalidis for a virtual presentation on his work in historical sociology of Greek immigration.
George Topalidis is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law at the University of Florida. He holds degrees from Southern Connecticut State University in History and the University of Connecticut in Microbiology. His research interests are framed within the field of Historical Sociology and include allyship, racial identity construction and contestation, social memory, and US immigration law.
George is also the founder and project coordinator of the Ottoman Greeks of the US Project (OGUS) at the University of Florida’s Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. George introduced the audience to the components of the OGUS project through an interactive format.
The presentation concluded with an example of George’s work composed from OGUS’s data archive titled, The Acropolis and the Madonna: A Case Study of Refugee Deportation from the United States.