All Things Greek: The HACCM Podcast

June’s Episode: 
This is the second episode in our two-part podcast on travel in Greece! This month, the podcast team travels to several destinations, both on the islands and the mainland, through the recommendations of our listeners. We are incredibly grateful for all of the responses we received and are so excited to share them! Many of the responses are read verbatim, and all express the opinions of those they were submitted by. If you haven’t listened to the first segment of this series yet, be sure to check out last month’s episode on Northern Greece

In this podcast we will be discussing – just like in the name – a variety of topics relating to all things Greek. We will be exploring exhibits at our museum, Greek history, Hellenic culture and tradition, and more. We will be releasing a new episode on the first Thursday of each month. Stay tuned!

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How to find the HACCM Podcast:

  1. Scan the QR code below, download the Spotify app, or go to
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  3. Click the search icon and type in “All Things Greek: The HACCM Podcast”
  4. Click the icon displaying the HACCM logo
  5. Click the “Follow” button. Here is where you can listen to all of our episodes!

To view all past episodes of the podcast, please visit our events archive.